Saturday, November 3, 2007

I Love You

Something happened yesterday, insignificant to the regular the American or Western culture citizen, but enough for me to notice. I was having a very pleasant phone conversation with a female friend of mine, and as we were closing it she said "I love you" and I replied back "I love you". You may be rolling your eyes now, but let me explain. Where I come from, a beautiful country called Cameroon, we don't say "I love you", parents don't teach their kids to say that, and they, the parents don't say it to their children. I mean literally say it, of course there are gestures that imply the "I love you" sentence such as a hug, a large smile, giving gifts but the phrase herself is rarely if not never pronounced. The contrast with the United States is definitely flagrant, saying "I love You" is the closing key note between family members. "I love you" has replaced "see you later" or "goodbye". Now, after a heptad spent here, I've observed some children in our little Cameroonian community, and they say "I love you" to their parents. And honestly, I believe it's a good thing. Nevertheless, I can't help myself but ask, what prohibit us from saying it to the people (aside the ones in our family) that are closed to us? Pride? I really can't find a good argument, may be it's the fear of what the other person may say or think about us. Perhaps, we're afraid that they may not say it back to us and we may take it as a sign of rejection, or perhaps we just don't want to get to close. Saying "I love you" is not just about those little three words, it does imply, "I'm available to you if you may need me", "I'll support you if you may need me", "I'll never betray you", "I trust you'll never hurt me". There are those implicit expectations we put out there, and just so not to risk our heart, we keep ourselves in our carapace.
On a Christian perspective, Jesus was a BIG fan of love, "Peter, do you love me?", "I'll give you a new commandment, love the Lord your God...", "People will recognize you belong to me by the love you have for one another..." and it goes on and on. Sometimes in church, the pastor will say "turn to your neighbor and tell them I love you or I'm happy to see you", I mean common, if one is honest with oneself, s/he will not trust that coming from a total stranger, especially the one while getting to his/her seat, stepped on your toes or bag or made you dropped your bible. When was the last you said I love you to s.o who is not related to you, and really meant it? Maybe it could be today if by stopping here, you leave me an "I love you" note, ;).

Monday, October 8, 2007

Testimony From Rio...6th part (French&English)

Hello Woman of glory
It's with great joy that once again I turned towards my computer to share the goodness of our God. You know this world is so sad to hope the Good and the True. Only God the Father of our Lord Jesus can decorate our lives and turned our wounds into beauties. He is the one watching over His word to fulfill. The most powerful strength in the world is not prayer, nor fasting but the Word of God. She is capable to transform the desert into an ocean and difficulties into opportunities. All curses against a person seated on the Word have the opposite effect...amen!!
Well, what did I want to share with you...? oh yeah...I came back from Rio this morning, weary and exhausted. I know you'll tell me to rest, I know and you're right...Nevertheless, How do I do it? Testimonies that I witness here are so wonderful and provocative.
Listen, because of this morning exhaustion, I've decided not to preach this evening but to just attend the service. While I was in the office, the pastor sent to call me to listen to testimonies after I'd been to his church. Three weeks ago, Sunday September 16th, I was preaching a message titled: "The power of sacrificial offering" ( the message is on DVD and you'll have a chance to get it once I'm back), at the end of the sermon, I called people to come and give sacrificially et many came by faith. This Sunday, as a result to this obedience to the Lord, eleven people presented their new cars to the Lord, another who came to see me after an additional offering to bless my ministry, got a free car of a value of over 25 millions of Francs (about US $55,000.00) with a promotion at his job. Promotions and testimonies flowed in the room til the extend I asked myself what was going on. All of this in three weeks??? There only the God of the bible to do that.
It was moving, blessing and revolting.
- Moving to see happy people obeying to God that day
- blessing to know that what God says is true: Whom who sow with tears will reap with joy.
- Revolting because I started thinking of my country again and asked myself: what is wrong?
Then, God talked to me and put upon my heart a 21 days crusade of resistance and prayer against the enemy, similar to what Daniel did to see all His promises fulfilled even the merest ones.
Details of this program will be given once I get back home, it'll be from Dec 1st - Dec 21st 2007. Get ready because it'll be everything but entertaining: It'll be WAR!!! Aren't you tired to fight without being crowned? to see without possessing? to cry at night without seeing dawn?
21 days of war, 21 days of spiritual combat, 21 days of victory, 21 days of testimonies.
I don't know about you but frankly, me, I need a visitation from the Lord of armies. It's Him I want to invoke, it's him I want to see during that time.
Embargo on my family ought to be removed, destroyed over my finances, and annihilated on my future. I was born for victory, I'll experience this victory. I was born to be like God, I'll be like God.
Brazil teaches me a lot. We only need to come back to the Gospel's simplicity. Cry to me on the day of distress, I'll deliver you and you'll glorify me.
In three weeks hundreds of people have already testified and long to empty themselves for the King of glory.
I felt myself humbled by the grandiosity of the God that I serve. He's simply unbeatable. One more reason to love him till the point to crazily fall in love with him.
Give, give and never stop. Don't penny pinch, don't handpick, give the best to your God. I'm challenging you today to sow into people who contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom. To invest sacrificially. Give to the point that people will call you fool. Where are God's investors? Take an oath before the end of this week. Decide to something insane, contact me and I'll pray for you under this anointing that's over me here in Brazil. Why don't you make up your mind to support me in this mission? Tell me the gift, the amount of what you would have decided to give and I'll release the prophetic word that you need to see the accomplishment before January 1st. I'm waiting for you. Do something crazy and decide to get to a different level of faith.
With Love.

(French Version)

Salut Femme de gloire

C´est avec beaucoup de joie que je me tourne encore vers mon ordinateur pour partager avec toi les bienfaits de notre Dieu. Tu sais ce monde est trop triste pour esperer le Bon et le Vrai. Seul Dieu le Pere de notre Seigneur Jesus est en mesure de decorer nos vies et de faire de nos blessures des point de beaute a faire envier les stars. Il est celui qui veuille sur sa parole pour l´accomplir. La force la plus puissante dans le monde n´est ni la priere ni le jeune, mais la Parole de Dieu. Elle est capable de transformer le desert en un ocean et les difficultes en opportunites. Toutes maledictions envoyees contre une personne assise dans la parole produit l´effet contraire....amen!!
Bon qu´est-ce que je voulais partager avec toi ...?? Oh oui... suis rentre a Rio ce matin etant epuise et a la limite de mes forces. Je sais que tu me diras toujours de me reposer je sais et tu as raison... cependant comment le faire?? Les temoignages que je vis ici sont si merveilleux et provaquant.
Ecoute, due a la fatigue de ce matin j ai decide de ne pas precher ce soir et de suivre simplemnt le culte. Pendant que j'etais au bureau le Pasteur envoie m´appeller pour suivre les temoignages de mon passage a son eglise. 3 semaines auparavant a savoir le dimanche 16 Septembre, je prechais le message intitule: La puissance de l´offrande sacrificielle. (Message qui est sur DVD et que tu auras l´occasion de suivre a mon retour), a la fin du message j´appellais les gens a venir donner sacrificiellemnt et plusieurs courrus pour ce pas de foi. Ce dimanche, comme resultat a cette obeissance du Seigneur, 11 personnes ont presente leurs nouvelles voitures au Seigneur, Une autre qui vint me voir apres avec une offrande aditionnelle pour benir mon ministere recut un vehicule gratuitement de plus de 25 millions de francs avec une promotion a son lieu de service. Les promotions et temoignages ont coule ds la salle au point ou personnellemnt je me demandais ce qui se passait. En 3 semaines, tout cela..??? Il´n ´y a que le Dieu de la Bible pour le faire.
C´etait emouvant, benissant et revoltant.
Emouvant de voir des gens heureux d´avoir obeis a Dieu ce jour la.
Benissant de savoir que ce que Dieu dit est vrai: Celui qui seme avec larmes recoltera avec joie
Revoltant enfin par ce que je me suis mis a penser a mon pays une fois de plus et me suis demande: Qu´est ce qui ne va pas?????
Alors Dieu m´a parle et a mis dans mon coeur une croisade de 21 jours de resistance et de priere contre l´ennemi comme ce que fit Daniel afin de voir l´accomplissement des moindres promesses qu´il a un jour donne.
Les details de ce programme seront donne a mon retour et ce sera du 1er au 21 decembre 2007. Prepare toi car ce sera tout sauf l´amusement: Ce sera la GUERRE!!!
N'es-tu pas fatigue de lutter sans etre couronne? de voir sans posseder?
de pleurer la nuit sans voir le matin se lever???
21 jours de guerre, 21 jours de combat spirituel 21 jours de victoire, 21 jours de temoignages.
Je ne sais pas en ce qui te concerne mais franchement moi j´ai besoin de la visitation de l´Eternel des armees. C´est lui que je veux invoquer´c´est lui que je veux voir pendant ce temps.
L´embargo sur ma famille doit etre ote, sur mes finances detruites, sur mon avenir aneantie. Je suis ne pour la victoire , j´experimenterai cette victoire. Je suis ne pour etre comme Dieu , je serai comme Dieu.
Le Bresil m´apprend beaucoup. Nous avons juste besoin de revenir a la simplicite de l´Evangile. Invoque moi au jour de la detresse, je te delivrerai et tu me glorifieras.
En 3 semaines une centaine de personne ont deja des temoignages au point qu'ils languissent de se vider pour le Roi de gloire.
Je me suis senti dimunue face a la grandeur de ce Dieu que je sers. Il est tout simplement imbattable. Raison de plus pour l´aimer au point de s´en amouracher follement.
Donne , donne et ne t´artrete jamais. Ne calcule pas, ne trie pas , donne a ton Dieu le meilleur. Je te defie aujourdhui a semer dans de ceux-la qui avancent pour le Royaume. A investir sacrificiellement. Donne au point ou tu sois taxe d´insense. sois insense pour Dieu et il le sera pour toi. L´oeuvre souffre tellement dans notre pays. Ou sont les financiers du Royaume?? Prends un engagement avant la fin de cette semaine.Decide d´investir ..fais une folie et contacte moi et je prierais pour toi sous cet onction qui est sur moi ici au Bresil. Pourquoi ne decides-tu pas de me soutenir dans cette oeuvre missionnaire?? Fais moi savoir le don, le montant ou ce que tu as decide de donner et je relacherai la parole prophetique dont tu as besoin pour voir l´accomplissement avant le 1er janvier. Je t´attends. Fais cette folie et decide d´aller a une autre etape de foi.
Avec amour

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Testimony From Rio...5th part (English)

Where should I start. There is much to say, and I am not sure that I will be able to tell you everything just through a single email. But let me give you this testimony. Last Monday, I was to preach in church but I did not know which church it was, or what kind of program the church was holding. Since I thought that it was a regular church meeting, I prepared a message of encouragement to share with them. The title of my message was to be the power of persistence.
But when I arrived to the given church, great was my surprise to realize that they were holding a crusade, and the hall was full of people expecting an evangelistic message.
I was a bit embarrassed, and I was running out of time. Something had to be done, I have to change my message, I have to get in line in my spirit with what is happening here. That was what I was telling to myself. Then I start edpraying in tongues, and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. Then I start laughing in my inner being, because I knew that as always God was in control, and He knew what was ahead of me even before I knew that I was to preach in the given church. Before, I got on the altar to preach, the pastor call me aside and told me that there has been an accident in which several youths were involved, even some from his church; and he wanted me to pray for these youths at the end. In fact he wanted me to pray for them through their family, because the family were there at the meeting; and some of these families came just to be prayed for.
After a brief message, I called for those who wanted to give their life to Jesus, and following the prayer of salvation, and ask for the sick to come forth. But I did precise that the families whose children were involved in the accident were to be prayed for after. After praying for the sick, I asked for the family to came forth. At that time, the pastor of the church called me in private and told me the hospital just called to let him know that one of the children is dead. The pastor told me :" Please, be careful, one of the youths is dead".

I was disturbed in my spirit; then having call forth the family, I was a bit speechless. But faith started rising in my spirit, and I started to declare some prophetic words upon the families. After that, I prayed briefly for the youths, using the families as a point of contact. When I finished praying for them, I declared some prophetic blessings on the church and went to my seat. Then I told the Holy Spirit, thank you because this is the first dead who is raising as result of my prayer. After the service, people were rejoicing for what happened to them, and there was a lady who was so excited, and where showing her neck to almost everybody. Then I ask to my interpreter what she wanted. And He told me that she has been healed from a painful growth that was on her neck, the growth just disappeared .
While trying to run away from the crowd to have some refreshments, the pastor of the church called me and told me: pastor (that is how they called me), I don't know what has happened. The hospital just called, and they said that they are really sorry. They don't know what has happened. The kid that was declared clinically dead, has came back to life. I just laughed, and told the pastor of the church: Praise the Lord.

I have much more to say about what God did in Brazil.
Yes Brazil, was a life changing experience. This experience is just one out of the many which took place, whether in Brasilia or in Rio de Janeiro.
With Love


Testimony From Rio...4th part (French&English)

Hello woman of glory
There are times in life where one understands better certains verses from the scriptures, because he is going through experiences that push him to comprehend our unusefulness in front of an Almighty and powerful God. In fact, He can do all things without us, for what can we bring to diverse wisdom of God, who revealed himself through his beloved son Jesus Christ, our friend and brother. However, He had decided not to do anything without us. Yes, God wants to use us to fulfill his will. He is looking for vessels, but not any vessel, vessel with this unique characteristic: they must be empty.
Empty? Yes, God is looking for empty people to pour in them his presence, his love, his goodness et his mercy. People who have understood that life is not worth living unless she is lived for another; lived to make him happy, to give him a reason to hope and believe and to go on; lived to encourage, strengthen and build. In short, a source of blessing! Isn't it the purpose of Him coming to earth?
Yesterday was difficult for me, nevertheless the service was impeccable. His presence was the difference. Lives were literally exposed one after another thorough prophetic words and tears of joy were flowing in a grateful way towards God.
The principal reason of this movement was, I think, that I was so empty yesterday, so tired and dependent of Him that it couldn't have been otherwise. To Him be the glory! Let's live for God and God will live for us. Let's serve others and God will send his angels to serve us. Let's value others with no profit and God will be crazy about us. I've learned that one learns more by listening to others, one gets more by giving, one lives more and better by serving others. May this be a principle of your life!
Be blessed for life
You're an admirable little sister
With love

Salut femme de Gloire
Il ya des moments dans la vie ou on comprends mieux certains passages des ecritures , du au fait qu´on traverse des experiences qui nous poussent une fois de plus a comprendre notre unitilite devant un Dieu si Fort et si Puissant. Il peut en effet faire toutes choses sans nous, car que pouvons nous apporter a la Sagesse variee de Dieu qui s´est revelee au travers des ages en la personne de son Fils bien aime Jesus christ, notre ami et frere. Mais cependant il a decide de ne rien faire sans nous. Oui Dieu veut se servir de nous pour accomplir sa volonte. Il rechereche des vases mais pas n´importe lesquels, des vases qui ont cette caracteristiques uniques qu´elles sont vides.
Vides? Oui Dieu recherche des gens vident pour les remplir de sa presence, de son amour de sa bonte et de sa misericorde. Des gens qui ont compris que la vie ne vaut la peine d´etre vecue que si elle est vecue pour l´autre.
Vecue pour le rendre heureux, lui donner une raison d´esperer de croire et d´avancer. Vecue pour encourager, fortifier et batir. Bref etre une source de benediction! N´est pas la encore la raison d´etre de sa venue sur terre???
Hier fut une journee difficile pour moi mais cependant, le ministere rendu fut impeccable. Sa presence fit tout simplement la difference. les vies etaient litteralement exposees l´une apres l´autre par des paroles prophetiques precises et les larmes de pleurs se melaient aux larmes de joies sous une athmosphere de reconnaissance a Dieu.
La raison principale de cette mouvence etait je crois, que j´etais si vide hier, si fatigue et dependant de lui que ca ne pouvait en etre qu´ainsi. A lui la gloire! Vivons pour les autres et Dieu vivra pour nous. Servons les autres et Dieu enverra les anges nous servir! valorisons les et nous serons surpris par la valeur qu´il donnera a nos vies! Aimons les autres sans aucun profit et Dieu sera fou de nous! j´ai appris qu´on apprend plus en ecoutant l´autre, on recoit plus en donnant et on vit plus et mieux en servant les autres. Puisse ceci etre un principe de ta vie!
Sois beni pour la vie
Tu es une admirable petite soeur!
Avec amour

Monday, September 17, 2007

Testimony From Rio...3rd part (French&English)

The below testimony comes from a brother and friend that I've known for over fourteen years now. This testimony is published in all its integrality with his consent and acknowledgment. My prayer for anyone who would read this is that it'll be a source of encouragement and edification.

Hello Woman of Glory
It's almost sixteen minutes passed midnight by the time I get into the apartment where I reside. And as always, I'm drawn towards my computer to tell you about my day.

After a morning particularly invested in prayer and with the advice via the Internet to some friends, last evening I ministered in a church of over two thousands members. The same one I was last Wednesday. My message title was changed by the Holy Spirit and I preached on the theme: Shake it! from Acts28:1-6 where Paul shook a viper in the flames after he got bitten. Unnecessary to say that there was turbulences in the room, one got to see it to believe it.
During the message, a woman interrupted me when I was defining Christian life as a supernatural one accompanied with supernatural experiences. She told the congregation that she came last Wednesday with a tissue for me to pray over it so she could put it upon a child face who was terribly suffering of a cancer of bones, with dying ligaments. I took the tissue (and I recall doing it because my paradigm wasn't allowing me to pray over it...laughs..) but I wiped my face with it and gave it back to her to go lay over the kid; which she did (she is a medical doctor) and at her great surprise the kid was immediately healed and she presented him to the church. It was a delirium!
How to preach again when hearts are only opened to God's visitation and not to the message??
Honestly, God Himself surprised me, I didn't know something so powerful would happened so quick. Certainly, that doctor's faith for that dying kid touched God's heart and he poured out his compassion. Hallelujah He is God!!!

This trip makes me discover strange things, however very simple: God honors the faith that honors him. This allows me to carry on with my musing over the theme "To become someone's miracle". Yes, to become a miracle, a subject of encouragement and blessing. A reason of hope to someone, to believe and to endure. This is capital as each of us has the right to be understood when we go through a bad day. I've always believed in the power of rebuke but I think in long terms, it only produces very few results. However the power of encouragement is more efficient. A pat on the back, a smile to a stranger, a sincere hug to a friend are gestures that doesn't take away anything from us but gives away a lot. To be someone's miracle by forgiving and restoring without the person deserving it. What a love!! What a Christianity! May God help us. The very essence of Christianity is not to perform miracles, but is to become miracles, miracles of love, miracles of compassion, miracles of forgiveness and consolation. Life isn't always fair. She is sometimes more abrupt that we think. Nevertheless, faith defies fatality. Everything that causes us to despair, causes other people to overachieve. I can only be really happy by making my neighbor happy.

This morning I talked for over two hours to a woman who was about to collapse after nearly six years of struggle looking for love from someone who couldn't give it to her. I applied 'Encouragement 101' and the result was wonderful. To encourage is to breathe life, courage and confidence into someone else. Literally, this means "to give courage" to someone, to reassure them, to incite and support them in their efforts to succeed. It's very important to encourage people. Encouragements help people to keep on going, despite the challenges and struggles they may be facing. When one confronts those scaring difficulties, encouragements express this: "I'm with you and I want you to overcome!" Encouragements stimulate actions. It's one of those gifts that can be offered to others when they're trying to achieve worthy goals. Why not decide to encourage someone? To value them? And to tell them they're indispensable, that they can count on you and that you see in them God's image? Is that not the truth? Aren't we made according to our Father's image? Christ valued the adulterous woman, he valued the Samaritan woman, he valued the Centurion, valued Zachias etc...Whose Sons and Daughters are we really? Why do we persist in not modeling him? Authentic Chritianism doesn't condemn but absolves. It doesn't reject, but embraces, doesn't accuse but sympathizes, doesn't demean but exalts, doesn't uncovers/exposed but covers. Yes, this is what I believe being from God even though I only grasp a tiniest part of who He is .

Personally, I'd like to be written on my grave these words: "Here lived someone who knew how to surround himself with people better than him except in one thing: his capacity to value others!

Well, I certainly wrote with a lot of errors and I'm very tired to correct them and it's almost 2am here. Please forgive me to you tomorrow
I love you and I'm very lucky to have you by sides.
Which that is very lucky becomes gracious. Thank you for making me, me.
Be blessed.

(Original French Version)

Salut femme de Gloire
Il est pratiquement 00 h 16 minutes quand j'entre dans l'appartement ou je loge pour me reposer et comme d'habitude je suis poussé vers mon ordinateur pour raconter ma journée.

Apres une matinée spécialement investie dans la priere et le conseil via le net a certains amis,
Je me suis rendu dans la soirée pour rendre ministere dans une église de plus de 2000 membres. La meme ou j'étais mercredi passé. Le titre de mon message fut changé par le Saint Esprit et je fus appellé a precher sur le Theme: Secoue le! tiré des Actes 28 :1-6 ou Paul secoua la vipere dans le feu apres que celui ci l'ait mordu. Unitile de dire qu'il y avait des secousses dans la salle, il faut y vivre pour croire.
Pendant le message , une femme me coupa quand je définissais la vie chrétienne comme une vie surnaturelle avec des expériences surnaturelles. Elle dit a la communauté, qu'elle est venue apres le message mercredi passé me voir pour que je prie sur un mouchoir et qu'elle le pose sur un enfant souffrant d'un terrible cancer des os et des ligaments et qui se mourraient. J'ai pris le mouchoir (et je me rapelle l'avoir fait effectivement, car, mon paradigme ne me permettait pas de prier sur ce mouchoir..rires..) mais je me suis essuyer la face avec et je lui ai donné d'aller poser sur l'enfant. Elle le fit ( c'etait un medecin) et a sa grande surprise l'enfant guérit instantannément et elle le présenta a l'eglise. ce fut le délire!

Comment encore précher quand les coeurs ne sont plus qu'ouvert qu'a Dieu pour leur visitation et non au message?? Honnetement, Dieu lui meme m'a surpris, je ne croyais pas que quelque chose de si rapide et puissant allait se passer. Surement, la foi de cette femme medecin pour ce patient mourrant a touché le coeur de Dieu et il a agi dans sa compassion. Alleluia il est Dieu!!!
Ce voyage-ci me fait decouvrir des choses etranges et pourtant tres simples: Dieu honore la foi qui l'honore. Ceci me permet de poursuivre ma reflexion sur le theme devenir un miracle pour quelqu'un d'autre.

Oui, etre un miracle, un sujet d'encouragement et de benediction. Une raison pour quelqu'un d'espérer , de croire et de persévérer. Ceci est capital car chacun a droit a la comprehension quand il traverse son mauvais jour. J'ai toujours cru a la puissance de la réprimande mais je crois qu'en long terme cela ne produit que peu de resultats. la puissance de l'encouragement est plus efficace. Une tape sur l'épaule, un sourire orienté vers un inconnu, une embrassade valorisante a un ami sont des choses qui ne nous enlevent rien mais procurent beaucoup. Etre le miracle de quelqu'un d'autre en lui pardonnant et en le restaurant sans qu'il ne le merite. Quel amour! quel chrétienté! Que Dieu nous aide. L'essence meme du christiannisme n'est pas de faire des miracles , non mais de devenir des miracles, des miracles d'amour, de compassion de pardon et de consolation. La vie ne nous fait pas toujours des cadeaux. Elle est meme parfois plus severe que nous le pensons. Mais cependant, la foi defie la fatalité. Tout ce qui nous pousse a désespérer pousse les autres a se surpasser. Je ne peux effectivement etre heureux qu'en rendant mon prochain heureux.

Ce matin j'ai parlé pendant pres de 2 heures avec une femme sur le point de s'écrouler apres six ans de luttes a la recherche d'un amour qu'elle n'arrive pas a recevoir d'une personne qui devait lui donner. Je me suis mis a la maternelle de l'encouragement et le resultat était merveilleux.
Prodiguer des encouragements, c'est insuffler à une autre personne du courage ou de la confiance. Littéralement, cela signifie « donner du courage » à quelqu'un, le rassurer, l'inciter, le soutenir dans ses efforts pour qu'il réussisse. C'est très important d'encourager les autres. Face aux défis et aux combats de la vie, les encouragements aident les gens à aller de l'avant. Lorsqu'on est confronté à des défis qui nous effraient, les encouragements expriment ceci : « Je suis avec toi et je désire que tu y arrives ! ». Les encouragements stimulent l'action. C'est l'un des cadeaux qu'on peut donner aux autres, dont ils ont le plus besoin quand ils essaient d'atteindre des buts louables.
Pourquoi ne pas decider aujoudhui d'encourager quelqu'un? de le valoriser? et de lui dire que sur terre il a sa place, qu'il compte pour toi, que tu vois en lui l'image de Dieu? Est ce faux?? ne sommes nous pas tous fait a l'image du Pere?
Christ valorisa la femme adultere, il valorisa la samaritaine, il valorisa le centenier romain, valorisa Zachée etc... de qui sommes-nous réelement fils et filles? pourquoi nous entetons nous tant a ne pas l'imiter???... Le Christiannisme authentique ne condamne pas mais absout. Il ne rejette pas mais embrasse, n'accuse pas mais compatit, ne rabaisse pas mais exhalte, n'expose pas mais couvre. Oui voila ce que je pense etre de Dieu, meme comme je ne saisis encore qu'une infime partie du milliardieme de son orteuil. ( s'il en a).

J'aimerais personnellement qu'on ecrive sur mon tombeau ces mots: Ici a vecu quelqu'un qui a su s'entourer des personnes meilleures que lui en tout sauf en une chose: sa capacite de valoriser autrui!

Bon j'ai ecrit avec beaucoup de fautes certainement et je me sens assez fatigue pour les corriger et il est pratiquement 2 heures ici chez moi.
Veille me pardonner et ... a demain
je t'aime et je suis trop chanceux de t'avoir a mes cotés.
Ce qui est trop chanceux devient gracieux. Merci de faire de moi, moi.
Sois benie

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Testimony from Rio...2nd part (French & English)

The below testimony comes from a brother and friend that I've known for over fourteen years now. This testimony is published in all its integrality with his consent and acknowledgment. My prayer for anyone who would read this is that it'll be a source of encouragement and edification.

Hello wonderful little sister!
It's always with a heart full of joy that I turn to you to share what's happening here.
I feel useful in the hands of Our Father though in reality, I'm a worthless servant. Well, what can I do? When his Grace triumphs, one can only rejoice. I got back from Rio yesterday with a certainty that planes are maintained in the skies by divine grace. It wasn't easy, do you understand me? We had some landing difficulties. However, while leaving the conference I felt something that I've rarely felt these last days; simply greeting people who were so happy of the ministry done in their country. The smile on their lips, interminable hugs and and deep tears that were saying thank you. Thank you for coming, to sacrifice for us servants of God, to tell us so many valuable things, to make us understand that we count in front of God's eyes.

Oh my God!! I often witness a lot of miracles, but this time I was seeing more than that, I was becoming someone's miracle. That's when God spoke to me and made comprehend what true Christianism is about: To become someone's miracle as small as that person may be. To give joy, happiness and the desire to fight in this life sometimes so unfair even if it was for just a smile, that's the true miracle!

Back from Rio this Sunday, I went straight back to work putting at risk my already fragile health which played a few tricks on me while I was preaching, to the point where I almost passed out, for I was so overwhelmed!! I preached on the theme: the hidden mystery of the cursed fig tree! There was electricity in the air! especially with my new determination to provide happiness.

After the sermon, during mealtime in the locker room, three women came one after the other to show me their babies, products of prophecies that I had addressed them from God a year ago; another woman showed me her husband, result of one those prophecies and the fifth person, a woman, pleaded me to come and consecrate her house that she had gotten for free after another word from the Lord that I had spoken to her in public. Thereby, Five people came in front of me in less than 10 minutes with testimonies, all from the same church. Then, my travel companions confessed that they've witnessed with their own eyes the veracity of my prophecies. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because they're listening to it as witnesses, and sad because they doubted those testimonies (which may be the case for many others), anyway, only God knows!

My luggages haven't been found yet. Let's pray that I lose no hope. You're someone that I love and truly respect. Thank God he created you. I hope I'm being a miracle for you, cause you already are one to me. I hope to read you soon.

(Original French Version)
Salut merveilleuse petite soeur!

C'est avec toujours beaucoup de joie au coeur que je me tourne vers toi pour te partarger ce qui se passe ici.
Je me sens utile entre les mains du Pere bien que je ne sois en realite qu'un serviteur tres unitile. Mais que veux tu? quand sa Grace triomphe on ne peut que se rejouir. Je suis rentré a Rio hier avec avec une certitude que les avions ne sont maintenus au ciel que par la grace divine.
Ce n'était pas facile si tu comprends ce que je veux dire, on a eu des problemes d'atterissage. Mais en quittant la Conference, j'ai ressenti ce que j'ai rarement ressenti ces derniers temps; simplement en saluant les gens qui avaient l'air si heureux du ministere rendu dans leur Pays. Oui le sourire sur les levres, les embrassades interminables, des pleurs profondes qui disaient tout simplement MERCI. Merci d'etre venu, de te sacrifier pour nous serviteurs de Dieu, de nous dire tant de choses valorisantes, de nous faire comprendre que nous comptons pour Dieu.
Oh mon Dieu!!! je vois souvent beaucoup de miracles se produire, mais la... je voyais plus que des miracles, enfin je devenais le meracle de quelqu'un. C'est alors que Dieu m'a parlé et m'a fait comprendre que c'est ca le veritable christianisme: Devenir le miracle de quelqu'un d'autre aussi petit soit-il. Procurer la joie, le bonheur et l'envie de se battre dans cette vie si souvent injuste meme si ce n'était que par un sourire, voila le véritable miracle!
De retour a Rio ce dimanche, je me suis directement remis au travail au risque de ma santé fragile qui m'a d'ailleurs jouer des tours pendant la predication au point ou j'ai failli a maintes reprises m'évanouir, tellement la fatigue est grande. j'ai preche Dimanche soir sur le Theme : Le mystere caché du Figuier maudit! Il y' avait de l'électricite dans les airs! surtout avec ma nouvelle détermination a procurer le bonheur.
Apres le message pendant le repas aux vestiaires 3 femmes sont venus successivement me montrer leurs bébés, produits des prophéties que je leur avait addressées de la part de Dieu l'année passée;une femme me montra son mari suite egalément a l'une de ces propheties pendant mes messages et la cinquieme personne me supplia de venir consacrer sa maison qu'elle a recu gratuitement apres une autre parole du Seigneur que je lui avais addressée publiquement. Cinq personnes ont ainsi defilé a moins de 10 minutes avec des temoignages dans une seule eglise et mes amis de voyage m'ont confessé qu'ils voient maintenant de leurs propres yeux la veracité de mes temoignages. Je fus content et triste a la fois. Content du fait qu'ils écoutent ca comme temoins, et triste du fait qu'ils aient eu a douter des temoigages et que cela peut etre le cas de plusieurs, mais, qu'importe; Dieu lui il le sait!
Mes bagages ne sont pas encore retrouvés. Prions car je ne perds pas espoir.
Tu es une personne que j'aime et respecte vraiment. Merci a Dieu de t'avoir créee. j'espere que je suis un miracle pour toi? en tout cas toi tu l'es déja pour moi.
J'espere te lire tout a l'heure.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Testimony From Rio...1st part (French&English)

The below testimony comes from a brother and friend that I've known for over fourteen years now. This testimony is published in all its integrality with his consent and acknowledgment. My prayer for anyone who would read this is that it'll be a source of encouragement and edification.

Praise The Lord
Hello little sister
Happy to have and write you this morning. It is now 5am, I haven't been able to write sooner because of a day and a night that are just allowing me to go to bed.
The theme of this message is: It's still happening nowadays, this is how my day went.
Some friends pastors and I went to a diner invitation from a woman pastor that God uses powerfully here in Rio. By revelation, she founded a church that now has over a thousand members. Last year, I preached at that church and so many things happened that this year, more invitations poured in. Our meeting with her quickly changed into prophetic ministry; God literally spoke about our lives. During the preaching, oil flowed from the hands of many. During worship, a woman from Ecuador felt something inside her mouth, she opened it to get out pure gold! Astonishing? Yes, fantastic! the whole church saw that gold.

So many things are happening during our ministry here that one is asking if God is not discriminating against other people, and siding with this nation? I'll discuss in a later mail the possible reasons of such of an attraction/manifestation of God's Presence.
Our schedule is saturated and God's keeps surprising us with is faithfulness, blessing his people. Around midnight, God (to him be all the glory) used me to detail a clergyman and wife's life from years ago and their plans for the next ten years. Yes, it's still happening, incredible events should follow the preaching of the gospel. Early October last year, God put upon my heart the desire to organize the first apostolic and prophetic international conference in the state of Rio. The theme: Signs, Miracles and Prodigies Today. May the God of the Bible make his own publicity. That's what happened yesterday without mentioning the eighteen instantaneous miracles that occurred in Casimiro de Abrio, a city about three hours away from Rio.

From my little experience, miracles are the very own nature of God. Take out miracles from Christianity and all that's left is religion. When for the last time have you experienced the miraculous dimension of our Father? When??? Is Mark 16: 16-18 still in your bible?
I feel obligated to stop here as dawn is coming up.
Be Blessed and never do you forget how precious you truly are.

(Original French Version)

Le temoignage ci-dessous, vient d'un frere et ami tres proche, nous nous connaissons depuis plus de quatorze ans aujourd'hui; je le publie sur ce blog avec son consentiment et dans toute son integralite. Et ma prière pour toute personne qui le lira est qu'il soit une source d'encouragement et d'inspiration et d'edification.

Gloire A Dieu
Salut petite soeur, content de t'avoir et de t'ecrire ce matin. Il est en ce moment 5 heures du matin lorsque je t’écris ce mail. Je n’ai pas pu le faire plutôt a cause d’une journée et d’une nuit qui ne vient que de me permettre d’aller au lit. J’ai décidé de t’envoyer ce message avec pour thème : ça se passe encore de nos jours ! pour te faire part de ma journée d’hier.
Je suis allé hier pour un dîner avec les autres pasteurs invité par une femme pasteur que Dieu utilise puissamment ici a Rio et qui a mis sur pied par révélation une église de près de mille membres. L’année passée j’y ai prêché et tellement des choses se sont passées que l’invitation de cette année est légion. Notre rencontre avec elle fut transformée rapidement en ministère prophétique ; Dieu parlant littéralement de nos vies. Pendant les messages qui furent prêchés l’huile coulait de la main de plusieurs fidèles au point on pouvait le recueillir et le visage de plusieurs se transformait. Une femme venant de l’Equateur au moment de l‘adoration sentit quelque chose apparaître dans sa bouche et elle ouvrit sa bouche pour la retirer et c’était de l’or pur ! Etonnant ? oui bien plus fantastique ! toute l’église vit cet or .

Tellement de choses se passent pendant notre ministère ici qu’on se demande si Dieu ne fait pas la combine avec ce peuple ? J’expliquerai dans mon prochain mail ( en tout cas avant de partir d’ici les possibles raisons d’une telle attraction de la présence de Dieu. Nous sommes a la limite saturés de programmes et Dieu ne fait que nous surprendre dans sa fidélité a benir son peuple. Vers minuit , Dieu ( a lui soit toute la gloire) détaillait la vie d’un évêque et de sa femme depuis des années et leurs projets pour les 10 prochaines années devant moi comme bonjour. Oui ca se passe encore , des événements incroyables doivent accompagner la prédication de l’Evangile. En debut Octobre Dieu m’a mis a cœur d’organiser la premier conférence apostolique et prophétique Internationale de l’Etat de Rio. Le thème étant : Signes, Miracles et Prodiges Aujourd’hui. Que le Dieu de la Bible fasse lui-même sa publicité. Voila ce qui s’est passé hier ici sans mentionner les 18 miracles instantanés produits ce week-end a Casimiro de Abrio une ville située a près de 3 heures de route de Rio.

Par ma petite expérience le miraculeux est la nature même de Dieu. Enlever le miraculeux du christianisme et ca devient une simple religion. Quand pour la dernière fois as-tu expérimenté la dimension miraculeuse du Père ? Quand ??? Marc16 16-18 est il toujours dans ta bible ?
Je me sens obligé de m’arrêter la car le jour se lève déjà.
Sois benie et n’oublie jamais que tu m’es trop précieuse pour que je te laisse.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A memorable Week-end

About a week or two ago, on a Saturday I did something that I had never done in my life before. I joined the ministry in my church called "Feed The People". I got to church at about 11:30am. The menu of the day was salad, spaghetti for the entrée and as a desert, chocolate cream pie. There was a bunch of vegetables to cut into small pieces and a load of tracks to fold. By 2pm, after the food and the tracks were ready, we loaded them into the two vans that would gad us around the streets of Kansas City. We (about ten of us) gathered to implore God's favor The first van would go at a popular park where it is expected to see homeless people and the second van, the one I was in, would go wander under the bridges, in front of a high rise buildings and shelters to distribute foods to all those "hungry" people; hungry of a good diner, hungry of a better tomorrow, hungry of a better life. That week end was really really hot, it was about in the 90s outside. We were strolling the streets of downtown and laying down on a thin piece of cloth was a man, he could barely moved, so skinny was he, so deshydrated was he that one of us had to sponged his face w/ some cold water. The next stop was under a bridge. At this bridge, there was a "dénivellation" between the upper freeway right where its socle laid and the lower road, right there, four homeless had found refuge. We gave them some food with drinks and a track and wished a happy "God Bless you" and they gladly wished the same back to us. We stopped by at least five different bridges, all people we encounter were white. By 4pm we were wandering in a neighborhood for low income families, and something struck me there: a bunch of kids running around, playing with one another, and the "parents" (sometimes too young to be parents) sitting in front of the house doing nothing or getting pregnant then strutting about up and around; here, the racial predominance was black. So I thought what is the chance for a kid growing in this neighborhood not to replicate the same deeds as their parents? Or should I say as their 'parent' (with no 's') as most of the time, 'daddy' is not around. In a country so full of resources and opportunities why are there still so many people in miserable, indescribable conditions? I used to be very skeptical and critical of those people, thinking they were lazy bums til one day, I went to a food distribution with a different organization and we watched a video and this women, was telling her story: she was well educated, had two degrees and a master, had a good income and her own house, then she became sick and the diagnosis turned out to be more serious than anticipated, she had to take time off work, then more time off, then some more time off til the company had to "let her go", by ricochet lost her health insurance; at the meantime medical bills would accumulate, she tapped into her house equity to pay for them, eventually she couldn't keep up any longer with the bills and eventually lost her house and had to ask for charity to survive. The only crime she had committed was to become sick. After witnessing all that misery on the streets of KC, only humility and gratefulness should fill one's heart. We ended our tour around 7pm, got back to church, rinsed the dishes, thanked God in a brief moment of prayer for a day well accomplished, then took our separates ways.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Christian Divorce

Today, I'd like to talk about the grounds for divorce as a Christian. I recently read a Pastor friend's article about getting married and divorced for papers. (I'll discuss the getting married for papers part on a later post, for now let's concentrate on the subject at hand.) Here is what he wrote: "divorces due to abuse, addiction, irresponsibility and what have you other than fornication is sinful." I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH HIM!! First of all, my Pastor friend that I'm going to call P.A. is a man of God, well educated about spiritual things, as I mentioned he's a pastor, therefore has a degree in theology and has been a minister for several years now. As for me, I'm just the average Joe (at least concerning spiritual matters but here's my take on this). Relationships in general, and marriage in particular are established on deals, explicit and implicit. Over the years, I've worked at different companies, small and large. In general, the company expects its employees to arrive on time at work, dress appropriately and use the company's tools to perform their duties, and these are explicit deals that if an employee does not respect, the company can fire him/her. However a company can also fire an employee who curses at someone else though it is not explicitly written in the contract. This is a normal undercurrent that does not need to be put down in words for one's to behave as such: "Thou shall not curse!". Same things apply to marriage, because the vows don't include the part that says: "We stay married as long as you don't abuse me" does not mean that if one partner becomes abusive, the other should swallow it in the name of "for better and for worse" or in the name of "the bible says..." Many people choose to remain in abuse situations for some unpalpable reasons; if you're living or lived a similar situation, please enlighten me as to why you chose to "save" an unsalvable relationship/marriage. Even the Lord Jesus himself did not take the abuse from anyone...just with his words, he stopped a crowd who was ready to stone him to death.

Friday, July 20, 2007

An exhausting week

This week has been very exhausting (don't let the smile fool you). I've worked in average 11.5 hrs each day, trying to make some progress on a new project that got handed to me about two weeks ago. My mom who is on the other side of the Atlantic, works in average 30-35hrs/wk, and definitely has a better life than I. Don't take me wrong I love my job, and I particularly enjoy the fact that I can work those long hours without feeling the time passing. There is this invigorating feeling that warms me up at the thought of being productive. Work is not a burden especially when one is doing something that one enjoys. In fact it's a blessing from the One up above, a defining factor of one's personality for many. I remember a few years ago, one of my friends had some friends over at her place for a visit, we were hanging out together and we got unto talking about what we were doing for a living. Back then, we were a bunch of college students, struggling to pay for our tuition and fees while maintaining somewhat a 'normal' life. As each of us took turn whining about our miserable jobs, my friend while making up some story about her job, winked at me, indicating me I should not reveal her true "profession" to her friends. She was attending hotel rooms as a maid. For one reason or another, we all take pride or shame (for some) in what we do as a living. On how much money we're making. We define who we are by what we do, what we wear, how we speak, who we know. My husband often says that: "we are the sum of our experiences". Regardless of what defines us, somehow we all strive to make a difference in this indifferent world by different means.

Monday, July 16, 2007

My first posting

At last, here I am, entering the world of blogging. I hope this will be an enriching and rewarding experience. This blog will be a repository of memoirs, experiences and exchanges on various subjects with my favorites being: religion, political issue, feminism, everyday life issues, successes and failures stories. Welcome aboard!!

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