Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Keep your zipper up and your legs crossed: Ramblings about Infidelity

I'm getting tired of reading those half stories about senators and governors unable to keep their pants zipped idem for those women who don't have enough self respect to cross their legs (geez those men are married!!). And what's this joke about resigning to "focus on their family"??
1st- Cheating isn't sexy at all, it's a big turn off
2nd - Cheating is like a packet of mixed nuts embodied in lies, deceit, duplicity, ruse, tricks and more lies, and it's not sexy at all. I remember this one, she was cheating on her man with her friends husband, the friend's name was erica and the husband Eric. So to prevent from spilling the beans by mistake, she made sure to change her friend to her middle name Caitlin in her email address book, that way when sending an email to Eric, the intellisense email feature would not pick up "Erica". But Karma being what it is, she got caught anyway...
3rd - Cheaters are Only repentant after they get caught, never before.
4th - if cheating is a deal breaker for you, you are free to divorce (even if you're a christian) -- pastors in church dislike talking about it but the fact of the matter is that the bible gives it as a leeway to get out of the covenant
5th - If a guy/gal cheats to get in a relationship with her/his partner in crime, it's just a matter of time before the perpetrator resumes back with their schemes. ex: he was married once, cheated on his wife, divorced, got remarried and this time around, the wife cheated on him. Karma, uh?
6th - It's not the act in itself, the intercourse with the "forbidden fruit" that bothers much the "cheatee", it's the lies and the trust that's broken that usually engenders the irreparable aka 'irreconcilable" differences.
7th- reconciliation (for those who seek one) is not impossible after that kind of destructive behavior, however it requires humility and lots and lots of love.
8th- Come on guys, keep those pants zipped, after all the hole is the same, isn't it?
Putting your reputation, job and health at risk, chasing after the same va-jayjay you have at home, I don't know if I should give it to you or decry your plain stupidity.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Paris: Once again

I couldn't finish my trip of the year without a stop to the city of love!! Paris, sans toi je serai pris!!
Yes, I love Paris, the multicultural and multiracial dynamics found in metros, trains and RERs, the unique fashion sense that animate French people, the peculiar architecture: an extreme amount of blocks and tons of concrete packed together that make Paris Paris, hum and above all the French cuisine. This was my second time (as an adult) being in the country of Sarko. I had to go back to that place where I had this delicious salade niçoise and of course the bread. There is this slimmest french bread usually used for sandwiches which at first sight seems like a teaser but it's so fulfilling that one piece is enough to hold you for the whole day. And this time around, I had the pleasure to visit the famous French museum: Le Louvre. It's funny how cold it can be in June over there I was freezing despite my oversize sweater (clearly it wasn't mine)!!
With the cultural diversity comes some tensions among the French that they need to resolve. For instance, the immigration ("Les Sans Papiers") issue, the government needs to pass some type of affirmative action that would garantee a fair l representation of its social diversity, reduce discrimation and bring value to the country as a whole. A problem that most immigrants face in that country is that it's quite difficult to find a job even after graduating from school unless you're in a specialized field like I.T. (where they have an acute need).
I've always had a little hard time rating the French on their level of kindness comparing to Americans. I mean Americans, they will hold the door for you (btw, I don't like when s.o waits for me at the door because it always makes me rush so I won't waste their time thus show some kind of insensitivity to their kindness), say thank you when you hold the elevator for them. Well, I had this little incident. I was heading to the metro/train/RERs (I can't never distinguish which is which) station with two suitcases, one carry on troller and my back pack. Now I got stuck at the "gate", the plastic (sometimes steel) double door with a scanner on the side that helps verify the metrotaker ticket validity. I had to figure out to pass through the door with all my luggages at once. So I had the brightest idea to ask for help. "Excuse-me...uh...Excusez-moi, bonjour...", head down my potential scapegoat passed by without a look in my direction, idem for the second and the third. With this rate of "success" I convinced myself that I was probably speaking too low (I've accused of that before!). I managed to speak louder and finally got the attention of an individual, I could see a little hesitation on his face "Bonjour, pouvez-vous m'aider avec un de mes bagages?" I asked "euh oui bien sur" he replied and picked up my carryon trolley, the smallest of all, lol. French are a little like us here in the States. They like having a good time under the sun, seated in their bistros or cafes, chatting with their friends and family while sipping a beverage. And just like we get in our cars and race through the highways, they bow their heads down and race through the metros.
I love traveling and as I read somewhere "le monde est comme un livre ceux qui ne voyagent pas n'en lisent qu'une page"---"The world is like a book and those who don't travel just read one page"
I'm already wondering where I would be next year, God's willing :).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cameroon: 8 1/2 years later

It was an unqualified feeling that immersed me as soon as we landed at the Nsimaleng Airport. Despite the running AC, I could already feel the humidity in the air. The first few days after a complete sentiment of disconnection, did I start to truly appreciate the beauties, simplicities and changes of the country where I was born and I left almost 9yrs ago today. One shocking thing that I realized is that things don't change much over there. After almost a decade I found the woman (my "asso" as called in our slang) to whom I like buying cassava sticks (locally known as "bobolos") selling the same bobolos at the same spot in the market; idem for my asso of oranges and my asso of "taro" (some type of roots usually accompanied with the yellow soup hum...hum..good).
Here is in images the different places that reflect the culture of my home country Cameroon.

I saw friends and people from my old church, went to a hype club called the Maeva. On the right is our Michael Jackson impersonator.

As for the video below, it features a choreography based on a very popular song "On Attend l'enfant" (we're waiting for the baby) about a woman who tells her man she's pregnant (for over 15 months) in order for him to take care of her everyday by buying her a very well spiced charbroiled fish with a bottle of beer each day of the pregnancy (Doctor's prescription). Enjoy!!

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