It was an unqualified feeling that immersed me as soon as we landed at the Nsimaleng Airport. Despite the running AC, I could already feel the humidity in the air. The first few days after a complete sentiment of disconnection, did I start to truly appreciate the beauties, simplicities and changes of the country where I was born and I left almost 9yrs ago today. One shocking thing that I realized is that things don't change much over there. After almost a decade I found the woman (my "asso" as called in our slang) to whom I like buying cassava sticks (locally known as "bobolos") selling the same bobolos at the same spot in the market; idem for my asso of oranges and my asso of "taro" (some type of roots usually accompanied with the yellow soup hum...hum..good).
Here is in images the different places that reflect the culture of my home country Cameroon.
As for the video below, it features a choreography based on a very popular song "On Attend l'enfant" (we're waiting for the baby) about a woman who tells her man she's pregnant (for over 15 months) in order for him to take care of her everyday by buying her a very well spiced charbroiled fish with a bottle of beer each day of the pregnancy (Doctor's prescription). Enjoy!!
yemalee tu faisais koi a la cuisine Pat? je suis sure que tune know meme plus comment attiser le feu.
Il y a des choses qu'on oublie pas meme apres presque 10 ans!! lol
A Qui ai-je l'honneur?
Me talla, sorry i forgot to mention it!
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