It didn't matter if they were married, divorced, single or engaged
Short, tall, midgets or in-between, they try their chance
One commonality amongst all of them: hideousness
A huge physical deficit reinforced by their lack of literacy
They'd use vulgar language to describe things they want to do if they ever put their hand on this piece
Some of them even wear fake glasses to pass themselves as smart
Or as one shenanigan said, "to protect their eyes" although they have a very limited mind
Limited to ideas, limited to discussions, limited to exploration, limited to life
And their limited minds put you in their limited box, trying to make you fit
It doesn't matter if they've been in school and have advanced degrees
You'd be surprised at the enormities born from their tongue
Others are just totally delusional
They make up stories about you and think God has spoken to them
Maybe He has, but wouldn't he also speak to you, to convey the same message?
You talk to them once and they think you've pledged something with them
You say no, they hear yes until you threaten them with harassment that they understand you mean business
There's a third category, the ones who can be kind, who can even sustain a quite intelligent conversation
However, they're very dark inside
Close to tormented by some indiscernible force that push them to act the way they do
You need to get close to them to understand, but don't get too close as you may get burnt
They use that darkness to stir empathy in you by belittling themselves
They think of you not as a person but as a piece to their puzzle, a mean to an end
More often than not, they end up alone and empty

It's just a portray of facts viewed from a different angle
So you, be careful who you allow in your inner circle
They all wear mantle of sheep when in fact they're wolves just awaiting to devour you
Be even more aware of those who claim coming from the Lord, they're more dangerous
For all of them, always check their past and find out how they treated the people in their lives
Chances are they'll repeat the same idiosyncrasies with you
A piece of what ?
who the hell are you to judge people!
I didn't judge nobody. I was just curious. They All Want A Piece of ... let finish it. A piece of what ? A piece of cake ?
Well, you know when the Lord speaks he does not only speak on one side. I personally do not believe the Lord selects partners for us. I believe you seek and find a woman you think you can live with till the end of the world and you approach her. If she has the same feelings fine if not well you continue your search.
As for men wanting a piece of you well; if you do not make yourself rotten meat flies will not pursue you and if a palm tree does not have ripe palm nuts the birds will not settle there.
Sometimes I just believe that in terms of discussions a smart person could discuss on anything and lively too. Myopic people talk about people and spend their time minding the business of people who really care less or little if they even exist. Cowards anonymously insult those who have turned down their love advances. Anyway, learn how to tell me openly that you are not interested in them. I had a girl tell me one time that I speak like Mickey Mouse and she does not like men with accent. I laughed and went my way because that was a serious charge I could never make good. Changing my accent will mean changing my person so I prefer to look for greener pastures elsewhere.
oh Anonymous(1) i wasn,t talking to you, but to the author of the original post!
Ok, No problem Anonymous(2) I hope she will respond to you. God bless and happy new year to everybody out here. Hope the new year will bring much luck and everybody will get a piece of something lol... just kidding.
Pat you see the gentlemen competing for a piece of you. Wouldn't you satisfy them so each of them will go happy?
Congratulation Tresor, this was the greatest hit of the year.Anonymous(2)when a blogger post an article on a public site, he is opening himself up to being critiqued as well as criticized, but in a very constructive way. I bet you identify yourself in this article,thats fine, you can use it as a wake up call. I don,t think she knows you,and i strongly believe her opinions are based on personal assessments, perceptions,feelings,and judgments.
Tresor do you mean those with limited mind, ideas,to discussion...are not entitle to "a piece of this"?
lol Prince, i always find your feedback very thoughtful.
Me T
Me T, hoping to get a piece by congratulating, good luck to you!
hahaha ,Anonymous, that will be a manna from the sky!
I wish it could happen,humm i will enjoy it at the full extend, she is gorgeous. But, look that wasn’t my intention. She absolutely earns my respect, because she has what it takes (intellectually, socially...)
Me T
@Anonymous(2), why are you hiding behind "anonymous" to spur shibboleth that are nothing but a perfect example of what I'm talking about in my post? Be a [wo]man, leave your disguise behind and confront me mano-to-mano or should say womano-to-womano? You have my email, don't you?
@Me T. Thanks for all the compliments.
@Prince, I wouldn't hesitate to jump on your proposition if it was legal in this country, lol.
Happy and Joyous New Year To You All
happy new year Tresor !
Me T
i confronted you mano to womano , and you turned me down,i don,t want to try anymore!but i still and will always want a piece !
please don,t judge people anymore, i appreciate the fact that you are intelectual like your Me T said, but please don,t insult those who are not, because they can still want a piece!
i feel sorry for Me T he is hoping to get some, keep on dreaming .
@Anonymous, mmhmm... you confronted me "mano to womano", I really doubt it. How come you're not mano enough to sign your name then?
Also, most accomplishments begin with a dream.
Waoooo, this guy has issue, please Tresor do something.
Anonymous, I don’t just dream the dream, but i always and openly put actions behind my Dream, because I’m not shy like you
Tresor im very selfish,thats why im not dreaming for a piece but the whole~
Me T
No problem Me T, keep dreaming for the w-hole.
First of all, why do you think God give of that piece? If it wasn't for us to give it away and have the guys hit it hard.
Lol... I love the last comment. If just I could get to know the poster.
Come one people, at least have the guts to sign your name or give your initials.
@Anonymous: everything good comes with a how-to-use notice. The medication that you use to treat a simple cold or flu for instance, if misused can cause you harm. Of course the piece is to give it away, but to who? We have to be the deciders when it comes to this question. Do you want to give it on a first come first served basis, or to the person that you consider the one, to your husband/wife (this would be ideal) or else?
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